If you are too busy: You are looking at 3 hyenas and a deer. 


If not, read on. 


“In the dappled shadows of the dense forest, urgency hung thick in the air, and the earthy scent of damp leaves filled my nostrils as I sprinted through the underbrush. My legs carried me with determination over the uneven terrain. The rhythmic beat of my strides transformed into a relentless drumming, a percussive symphony of tenacity that echoed through the woodland.

 As I ran, the world became a blur of motion and colour. Amidst the blur, a sudden memory unfolded like a raw wound. The vivid images of my mother, a creature of strength and resilience, now haunted the recesses of my mind. Her once-robust frame, now reduced to a fragile silhouette, played before my eyes like a painful slideshow.

 Her once-gleaming fur, became matted and dishevelled, spoke of a body that had weathered the storm of hunger until it could weather no more. The haunting resonance of her final cries echoed through the blur and the silent cries of the past reverberated through the trees.

 But now is not the time for recollection, my powerful legs propelled me forward with newfound vigor. The wind, a swift companion, tousled my fur as I sliced through the sweltering air.

 My name is Pampi.

And my brothers are on the verge of securing our first meal in two days."


When did you realize who Pampi is?

Generalization and assumption. Factors influencing you:

  1. You might have heard of Disney's Bambi
  2. Accustomed to having the subject in the center of the picture
  3. Accustomed to paying attention to the outstanding and special (only 1 deer)

The human brain learns from past experiences and is constantly seeking patterns. It is a human tendency to make assumptions, but every person you meet and every event you experience is unique. More often than not, they are distinct and exist independently. 

Sometimes past patterns serve us well, while other times they do not.

Do you control your brain, or does it control you?

First, we must be aware.



You create your own reality. The human brain has a remarkable capacity to create and perceive realities, often through the process of imagination, memory, and perception. One example is when we dream. During sleep, the brain can create vivid and immersive experiences in the form of dreams. These dream realities often feel real while we are in them, even though they are products of our mind. 

When you see a picture, you often imagine and construct a story in your mind. Even with limited information—say, only 5% of the total—we tend to fill in the remaining 95% through our imagination. This tendency applies to every person or experience we encounter. In our daily lives, we often have only a fraction of the information available to us, yet we construct the majority of the narrative in our minds. This inclination makes it easy for others to influence our opinions and perspectives, as you may already be aware. However, it's essential to recognize that what you see, hear, or personally experience may also comprise only a small fraction—perhaps just 5%—of the full picture.

How frequently do we have access to complete information?

How often do the 95% we imagine and construct in our minds align with reality?

Don't be too quick to judge.

You create your own reality.


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